Wednesday, July 30, 2008

[log] SoundRTS 1.0 beta 10 n released (unstable version)

Warning: if you have edited the file style.txt, make a backup copy of it before updating.

Available at:

The changes from beta 10 m are:
- bug fix: an error could occur when the unit's menu changed during the sending of an order
- bug fix: the save option could appear in the multiplayer game menu (when the game had only one human player)
- now the default square_width is 12 (previously, the maps would not work without defining it)
- bug fix: problem if a player tried to register to an already started multiplayer game
- bug fix: problem if a player tried to register to a full multiplayer game
- bug fix: the game probably stopped when a unit was given a "patrol" order to an object that didn't exist anymore

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