Thursday, January 22, 2009

01/22/09 (working on the future beta 10 p, test version)

- added the files for a metaserver
- if a server fails to get its IP address from a what-is-my-ip website (no Internet or what-is-my-ip website down), it won't stop anymore: it will just log a warning and send an empty address to the metaserver, letting the metaserver guess the IP address
- the URL of the what-is-my-ip website is stored in a text file
- the URL of the metaserver is stored in a text file

To do:
- if, on startup, a server fails to register to the metaserver (no Internet or metaserver down), it won't stop anymore: it will just log a warning and try again later;
- if a client fails to get the servers list from the metaserver (metaserver down), it will fall back on a static list stored in a text file provided with the client; this list will contain the public servers;
- add the map making guide

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