Tuesday, May 8, 2018

[log] SoundRTS 1.2 continuous 2 released

The file is there: (Windows only)
Changes from 1.2 continuous 1:
- now workers automatically repair and gather in the current square (Repairing have a higher priority than gathering. The buildings of an ally are not automatically repaired.)
- when a worker repairs an ally, the resources are provided by the worker
- ranged units on low ground have 50 percent chance to hit ground units on high ground (ranged units with height_bonus are not affected)
- bug fixed: the map wouldn't wraparound anymore (since 1.2 alpha 10)
- bug fixed: a unit could be added several times to a group
- now blocked exits are not observed through

Saturday, May 5, 2018

[log] SoundRTS 1.2 continuous 1 released for evaluation

I need your feedback about this experimental (and probably buggy) version of SoundRTS implementing continuous space and range-based perception, detection, etc.
The only questions are: how different is this version from SoundRTS 1.2 alpha 9, especially with the CrazyMod and its usual maps? Is the gameplay too different?

The file is there: (Windows only)

The changes in this version might be reverted later. Anyway, here are some of the changes.

The main (experimental) changes are:
- sight in a circle (sight_range) (at the moment, any range is possible, but this might change later to improve speed)
- detection in a circle (detection_range)
- cloaking in a circle (cloaking_range)
- only one mode for units: your units won't leave their square, no matter what; if they have moved to a sub-square (in zoom mode with F8), they won't leave the sub-square.

Other changes:
- control+6 (or 7,8,9) to define a group with the currently controlled units; the units will move at the same speed until they get a different order (which removes them from the group)
- the AI will attack only if there is an opportunity
- the AI will try to retreat if a square contains too many enemies
- F3 gives also the game speed
- the "alt is stuck after alt+tab" issue is fixed, I think
- press SHIFT + arrow keys to move 5 squares at a time
- press the first letter of any menu item to select it (for example, "s" for "single player")
- graphics: now the map is much easier to read (the exits appear more clearly, for example in PRA maps)

- custom bindings: the game will look for a file called "bindings.txt" in the user folder
- a console command can be bound to a key, using the "cmd" command; for example, user/bindings.txt can be:

F12: cmd a archer ; press F12 to add one archer in the current square
ALT F12: cmd s 20 ; press alt+F12 to set the speed to 20
PAUSE: cmd p; press pause to pause/unpause the game (you can give orders while in pause)