Tuesday, May 8, 2018

[log] SoundRTS 1.2 continuous 2 released

The file is there: (Windows only)
Changes from 1.2 continuous 1:
- now workers automatically repair and gather in the current square (Repairing have a higher priority than gathering. The buildings of an ally are not automatically repaired.)
- when a worker repairs an ally, the resources are provided by the worker
- ranged units on low ground have 50 percent chance to hit ground units on high ground (ranged units with height_bonus are not affected)
- bug fixed: the map wouldn't wraparound anymore (since 1.2 alpha 10)
- bug fixed: a unit could be added several times to a group
- now blocked exits are not observed through


Braillin said...

hello soundmud: I would like to make some suggestions about this version, since I find it excellent. When I am playing a map, for example, p6, if I build a door in an exit, when enemy units attack from the other side, the peasants leave to repair it, instead of repairing from the inside, which causes them to kill them. If there are peasants inside, they repair the door, but I think they should not go out, but repair from the inside. I think it's excellent that the peasants repair what is damaged, because with the use of machines, for example, catapults, it is difficult to repair one by one, so in future updates, I would like that feature does not disappear. Another thing I have seen is that, even though the units can see adjacent squares, there is always fog of war, until the units enter the square. One last thing to mention, the contributions page where official recordings and mods could be downloaded has stopped working.

SoundMUD said...

Sorry for the delay to publish your comment: I didn't receive the notification. Notifications are working again, it seems.

SoundMUD said...

Thanks for the feedback.
I'll check this "repair from inside" issue.
The status of partially foggy squares is tricky to render. Maybe I should keep the "fog of war" label only for fully foggy squares.
I'll try to fix the directory listing of contributions in the website.

SoundMUD said...

I have fixed the directory listing of contributions in the website.