Thursday, September 3, 2009

[log] SoundRTS 1.0.1 released (stable version)

Available at:

The main changes since 1.0 are:
- new: Chinese translation, by James Chen (game) and Harrison Tu (web page)
- the main volume is now at 50% instead of 100% by default
- bug (Windows Vista): the client couldn't connect to a server hosted on the same computer
- bug: pressing alt + tab launched unnecessary sounds

About multiplayer games, this version is compatible with:
- 1.0 beta 10 p
- 1.0 release candidate 1
- 1.0

[edit: a Polish translation by Pawel Masarczyk is available too]

Monday, April 6, 2009

[log] SoundRTS 1.0 released (stable version)

Available at:

This version is identical to 1.0 release candidate 1, with the exception of a few sounds in the English version ("campaign", "prologue"...).

About multiplayer games, this version is compatible with 1.0 beta 10 p and 1.0 release candidate 1.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

[log] SoundRTS 1.0 release candidate 1 released (stable version)

Available at:

The main changes since 1.0 beta 10 p are:
- stable version
- added "1.0" to the folder names
- the frequency of the ambient sounds now stays the same whatever the game speed is

About multiplayer games, this version is compatible with 1.0 beta 10 p.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Some news about SoundRTS

I will release a 1.0 release candidate version, in order to have a
stable version with a simple version number.

Then, I will release an alpha version of the 1.1. It's a bit broken, but with the following changes:
- imperative orders, to force the attacking of your own units, or to ignore enemy units and focus on an objective (hold control while validating the order)
- stacking orders: "do this, then do this..." (hold shift while validating every order)
- units, buildings, techs, abilities (and more) are defined in a text file called rules.txt
- in a map, the author can add a tech to a player, and forbid specific training, building or researching (useful for tutorial or campaign missions, for example)
- scout towers, guard towers, and cannon towers (these special buildings don't require a meadow, allowing many of them in the same square)
- "direct" fly: now the dragons fly straight to the objective, ignoring the land path
... and more changes not implemented yet.

I will probably continue to add as many valuable features as I can until the program collapses under its own bloat. The code is more a prototype anyway, with its limits in terms of flexibility.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

[log]multiplatform version of SoundRTS 1.0 beta 10 p

The multi-platform version of SoundRTS 1.0 beta 10 p was compiled for Python 2.5 instead of Python 2.4. This problem has been fixed and the Python 2.4 version is the default one again. The multi-platform version with Python 2.5 can still be downloaded at the following place:

Monday, February 2, 2009

[SoundMUD] SoundMUD 0.11 experimental release

A. Introduction

A simplified version of SoundMUD 0.9 is available. It contains the action-roleplay game only, and automatically connects to a server. The server won't probably last more than a month. I will probably rewrite the next prototype from scratch, but I wished to have some feedback about this version.

Here are some new features:
- the monsters re-spawn after 1 minute;
- the character's stats and weapons are remembered as long as the server is not restarted.

Warning: the characters will probably be forgotten after some time. It's just an experiment.

B. Installation

For Windows:
1. download the following file:
2. Unzip it, for example to the desktop.
3. Double-click on soundmud.exe to start the game.

For another platform:
1. download the following file:
2. Unzip it to any folder.
3. install Python 2.4 (or Python 2.5; a "py25" folder with the corresponding compiled files is included; replace the 2.4 compiled default files if you use Python 2.5)
4. install pygame 1.7.1 (or 1.8.1)
5. if you use a Mac, you may have to install PyObjC too
6. run soundmud.pyc to start the game (in Windows, double-click on this file)

C. Short manual

- press F1 for help
- press Tab to select an object
- press and hold Enter to reach and use or attack the selected object
- press the arrow keys to move or turn
- press Control to examine the selected object
- press F5 to repeat
- press Space for a summary (location, hit points, level)
- press Escape to quit
- press Del to drop your weapon
- press backspace to use another weapon
- press Control + F11 to change the point of view (in the "from above" mode, you are always facing north and Tab selects every object, in front of you or not, and the arrow keys make you move in the 4 directions instead of turning).

Note: The player is authenticated using a file called id.txt, automatically created in the game folder at the first connection. Delete or rename this file if you want to play another character.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

[log] SoundRTS 1.0 beta 10 p released (test version)

Available at:

This is a maintenance release with some bug fixes, new maps, and very few changes. About multiplayer games, this version is not compatible with the previous ones.

This version might become the feature-frozen, stable, 1.0 branch. New features would be added in the development 1.1 branch only.

The main changes since beta 10 o are:
- added maps CW1 SWK2A SWK2B SWK2C;
- bug fixed: in some maps (CE2 for example) some units were located at the same place and couldn't move;
- added the map making guide;
- added the files for a metaserver (just in case the current one disappeared for good);
- if a server fails to get its IP address from a what-is-my-ip website (no Internet, or what-is-my-ip website down), it won't stop anymore: it will just log a warning and send an empty address to the metaserver, letting the metaserver guess the IP address;
- the URL of the what-is-my-ip website is now stored in a text file;
- the URL of the metaserver is now stored in a text file;
- if, on startup, a server fails to register to the metaserver (no Internet, or metaserver down), it won't stop anymore: it will just log a warning and try again later;
- if a client fails to get the servers list from the metaserver (metaserver down), it will fall back on a static list stored in a text file provided with the client; this list will contain the public servers
- if the main folder contains a folder called "tmp", this folder will be used for temporary files (logs for example) instead of the user's temporary folder;
- if the main folder contains a folder called "user", this folder will be used for user-specific files (user configuration, custom maps...) instead of the user's "application data" folder.

The last 2 changes allow having all the game files in one folder, useful for a USB flash drive configuration, for example. Just copy the SoundRTS folder from the "Program files" and create 2 folders in the SoundRTS folder: "tmp" and "user". "user" can be a copy of an existing "application data\SoundRTS test" folder.

Monday, January 26, 2009

01/26/09 (working on the future beta 10 p, test version)

- automatically include the map making guide into the packages;
- if the main folder contains a folder called "tmp", this folder will be used for temporary files (logs for example) instead of the user's temporary folder;
- if the main folder contains a folder called "user", this folder will be used for user-specific files (user configuration, custom maps...) instead of the user's "application data" folder;

The last 2 changes will allow having all the game files in one folder, useful for a USB flash drive configuration, for example. Just copy the SoundRTS folder from the "Program files" and create 2 folders: "tmp" and "user". "user" can be a copy of an existing "application data\SoundRTS test" folder.

Friday, January 23, 2009

01/23/09 (working on the future beta 10 p, test version)

- if, on startup, a server fails to register to the metaserver (no Internet or metaserver down), it won't stop anymore: it will just log a warning and try again later;
- if a client fails to get the servers list from the metaserver (metaserver down), it will fall back on a static list stored in a text file provided with the client; this list will contain the public servers

To do:
- automatically include the map making guide into the packages
- update the map making guide
- fix some bugs or warnings

- rename folders "SoundRTS test" to "SoundRTS 1.0"; "SoundRTS unstable" would become "SoundRTS 1.1"; not sure yet

Thursday, January 22, 2009

01/22/09 (working on the future beta 10 p, test version)

- added the files for a metaserver
- if a server fails to get its IP address from a what-is-my-ip website (no Internet or what-is-my-ip website down), it won't stop anymore: it will just log a warning and send an empty address to the metaserver, letting the metaserver guess the IP address
- the URL of the what-is-my-ip website is stored in a text file
- the URL of the metaserver is stored in a text file

To do:
- if, on startup, a server fails to register to the metaserver (no Internet or metaserver down), it won't stop anymore: it will just log a warning and try again later;
- if a client fails to get the servers list from the metaserver (metaserver down), it will fall back on a static list stored in a text file provided with the client; this list will contain the public servers;
- add the map making guide

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

01/21/09 (working on the future beta 10 p, test version)

Here is a summary of some of the changes planned for the next test release, concerning the servers.

A public server should require less maintenance:
- if a server fails to get its IP address from a what-is-my-ip website (no Internet or what-is-my-ip website down), it won't stop anymore: it will just log a warning and send an empty address to the metaserver, letting the metaserver guess the IP address;
- if, on startup, a server fails to register to the metaserver (no Internet or metaserver down), it won't stop anymore: it will just log a warning and try again later;
This way, the server will have the priority to stay up. The admin will be informed by the log or by users anyway.

In the long term, the system should be maintainable without me if something breaks, by repackaging the client and providing a new metaserver:
- the URL of the what-is-my-ip website and the URL of the metaserver will be stored in a text file;
- the files for a metaserver will be provided (at least a simple metaserver)

The system should be up as often as possible (avoid downtime):
- if a client fails to get the servers list from the metaserver (metaserver down), it will fall back on a static list stored in a text file provided with the client; this list will contain the public servers;

These changes should be small enough to keep the stability of the previous release.